Articles about PSK31
There are several articles that have been published in several magazines or conferences. I am trying to republish here them if the authors and their publishers agree. They can be written in any language. If you have prepared some material and would like to have if published, please send it to me in Word 7 format and I'll try to convert it to PDF format.
Article about PSK31 by Fred OH/DK4ZC in german. HTML here.
2 Pages article in Spanish by Eduardo EA2BAJ about New Digital Modes on
HF where PSK31 is explained along with other modulations, written
and acepted for the Ursi98 Spanish Conference. PDF*here.
6 Pages article in Spanish by Eduardo EA2BAJ about New Digital Modes on
HF which includes a description of PSK31, that appeared in the December
1998 Radioaficionados Magazine. PDF* here.
Peter G3PLX has published a very informative article (10 pages, in english)
in December 1998 and January 1999 RADCOM magazine. Editors have agreed and
we are able to read it here
in PDF* format.
Reinhard DK5RK has prepared a 6 page article in German that will
appear in issue 3/99 of the ham magazine "Funkamateur" about PSK31. It's
in PDF* format.
- The ARRL newsletter of February 12, 1999 speaks (and well) about PSK31. You can read it here
- Jim Mortensen N2HOS has written a nice appreciation of PSK31 in his Newsletter
Mike DL6IAK has an article in German in his homepage. You can take a look at it here
*If you have problems printing graphics in .PDF documents with
Acrobat reader, try the free GsView/Ghostscript program